Submit your Prayer Request
For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear: I will help you. , Isaiah 41:13
I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do. , Helen Keller
Free Living with Christ - Two Sessions Each Week
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. 2Ti 3:16

Living with Christ is a personal experience but it is never just private. 
To encourage this faith sharing with others, each week we share the meaning of the Christian message in our day to day life. 
We are each an expert on our own spirituality how we live our Christian faith. So we learn from one another as we share our own Christian journey and how our beliefs and values influence our lives through prayer and scripture sharing.


Free Spiritual Guidance

We are glad you are here! We are excited about what God is doing through your life and pray to follow Him every moment of every day.
We would love to hear from you. You can callus from Weekdays (11. AM to 7.00 PM) or as per your convenient for a free Spiritual Guidance session, which will transform your present situation and help you to understand the will of God in your life..
May God Fill your Heart with Holy Spirit..
Let the Peace of God may domain in your Heart.
God Bless You!

Spiritual Guidance Prayers
I turn to you, God, to receive spiritual guidance, communication, and direction. In the quietness of my Right-Mind, the place within me where our minds are joined as One, I listen to your Voice of wisdom and truth and I know what to do.
Dear God, your understanding and spiritual guidance fills my heart and mind completely. Your guiding Holy Spirit directs my every step. In all that I do, I acknowledge your holy presence and give thanks for the wisdom, strength, and serenity you give me.
As I feel and experience your constant Presence in my life, God, I joyfully receive your communication, insight, and inspiration, gently guiding me on my path and making my way sure.
Your loving Holy Spirit, dear Father, is the guiding light that illuminates my path. Your voice within me gives me the understanding, insight, and spiritual guidance I need to make wise and compassionate decisions.
You, dear Father, are my Infinite Source of Peace , Love, and Wisdom. Your Holy Spirit guides and directs me. Your Love enfolds me, and Your Light illuminates me.
I am eternally grateful for your spiritual guidance, dear Father.
Thank you for always being with me.

Prayer is one of the most powerful forms of healing there is. It is an opportunity to join with God, Source, and your Highest Self for the purpose of seeing the world through God's eyes, receiving God's healing Love, Truth, and Grace, and restoring yourself to an experience of Wholeness and Perfection.

When you join with God in prayer, you not only extend God's healing energy and vision to others, you receive it yourself in that moment. As you give, so shall you receive.

Those who submit the prayers are opening the door to communication and healing from God. Those who receive the prayers are giving themselves the opportunity to join with God in the process of extending God's Love, Peace, and Truth in reply.

Being a member of the Prayer Requests Team is a wonderful opportunity to deepen your own healing, peace, and understanding as you extend it to others. There are, of course, no obligations by joining the Prayer Request Team. Joining the prayer group is absolutely free.

Shalom India Prayer Cell

At the, we received numerous prayer requests each day through our online prayer request page. These prayer requests are a wonderful opportunity for both the giver and the receiver. Those who submit the prayers are opening the door to communication and healing from God. Those who receive the prayers are giving themselves the opportunity to join with God in the process of extending God's Love, Peace, and Truth in reply.

Being a member of the Prayer Requests Team is a wonderful opportunity to deepen your own healing, peace, and understanding as you extend it to others. There are, of course, no obligations by joining the ShalomIndia Prayer Cell Team. Joining the prayer group is absolutely free

God created the heavens and the earth by speaking them into existence. By praying the scriptures out loud you are speaking God's will for your life into existence. Sure, He can hear you if you pray silently, but it is Him hearing the spoken Word that makes Him move in your behalf. Hearing the Word is what causes your faith to rise, not just reading it. There is power in the spoken Word.

So we request you to come and join with us for your deliverance as well as your fellow beings.

Timing : Shalom India Prayer cell meet on every Sunday evening 6 PM to 8 PM to pray about specific topics which we have receiving through our online prayer as well as personal prayer request from the gathering. 
This service is Free.