Submit your Prayer Request
Simply because you are my child and I am your Father , 1 John 3:1
The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, peace of mind, or even your happiness. It's far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born BY his purpose and FOR his purpose. , Rick Warren from The Purpose Driven Life

Recognize God's Hand In Every Trial

MAINTAIN A RIGHT ATTITUDE Maintaining a positive attitude in the midst of great suffering is the key to the triumphant Christian life. "Now thanks be unto God, who always causeth us to triumph in Christ"'(2Cor 2:14).

Paul did not write these words as a theoretician. He had experienced and practiced what he was talking about. You will remember that he cast a demon out of a girl at Philippi. This resulted in "a mob being quickly formed against Paul and Silas, and the judges ordered them stripped and beaten with wooden whips. Again and again the rods slashed down across their bared backs; and afterwards they were thrown into prison. The jailer was threatened with death if they escaped, so he took no chances, but put them into the inner dungeon and clamped their feet into the stocks. "Around midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to the Lord and the other prisoners were listening" (Acts 16:22-25 tib). The Lord, faithful to His promise, had surrounded Paul and Silas with "...songs of deliverance " (Ps 32:7). What happened as a result of singing their "songs of deliverance "? The Lord sent an earthquake that set free not only Paul and Silas, but all the other prisoners as well. The jailer was converted and took Paul and Silas home and made them his house guests. A strong church was established in Philippi as a result.

The grace given to Paul and Silas to pray and sing in such circumstances was a miracle. But He will do the same for you and me if we will walk in the Spirit and not start complaining against God or others when trials and tests come. Recognize God's hand in every trial that comes to you.

Don't Murmur Against God Your response to the circumstances that befall you will determine whether you become bitter or better. God wants you to realize, "It is no longer I that live, but Christ that liveth in me " (Gal 2:20).

 If you will maintain a "Christ response" to adversity and tell the Lord, "I see Your hand in this. Lord; thank You for moulding me, for teaching me," then you also will receive special grace from the Lord which will take you through in triumph. Paul recounted five sins which caused Israel's failure in the wilderness. Here is the fifth: ' 'And don't murmur against God and his dealings with you, as some of them did, for that is why God sent his Angel lo destroy them ' '(I Cor 10:10 tib).

See Troubles As Working For You When recounting some of his many sufferings for Christ, Paul said, "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, workethfor us afar more exceeding and eternal -weight of glory ' ' (2Cor 4:17). Paul saw his afflictions "working for him," that is, they were his servants, doing God's bidding, working out "God's richest blessing on us forever and ever " (tib). Will you who are weary, tested and tried by much affliction realize:

 ' 'The troubles will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever ' ' (2Cor 4:18 tib). God loves you very much. Great will be your reward in Heaven if you will but endure to the end.

An old missionary, alone on the island of Maui, once wrote:

He's the Lord of the seas,
the Lord of the land,
The winds are His to command.

He brings down the rain,
He pours down the hail,
He controls the force of the gale.

Some cry and complain of
the storms 'fearful pace,
as they sail life's troubled race.

Don't fight with the wind,
rather count it your friend,
your life will enjoy more grace.

'Tis the set of the sail,
not the. force of the gale,
that insures safe passage to home.

The fair haven we'll get,
with the least bit of sweat,
if our servant, the storms become.

So sail on, weary sailor,
your master awaits
to welcome to Heaven 's fair land.

Keep your eye on the source,
don 't fret with the force,
that prepares for His right hand.

Yes, life's stormy winds can be harnessed by a right attitude. As the wind to the sail, the storms of trials and tests help produce maturity which prepare us for leadership on earth, and our eternal fair home.

God Works Through Us
God works most powerfully through us when we're being proven by times of trials, tests and tribulations.

Pass Or Fail The Test
In the fires of affliction some will fail and others will pass the test and he-promoted. Those who pass the test are chosen to hear those comforting words, "You've been faithful over little; 1 '11 make you ruler over much. "

by Ralph Mahoney, Director World Map