Submit your Prayer Request
Simply because you are my child and I am your Father , 1 John 3:1
He who truly trusts in God will wait in God's time, use God's means, and walk in God's way, even though it may seem round about. , David Clarkson


Hearts Not Perfect Before God
"For the eyes of the Lord search back and forth across the whole earth, looking for people whose hearts are perfect toward him, so that he can show his great power in helping them " (2Chr 16:9 tib). The people in Bible times understood the heart to be the seat of:

1) the emotions or affections, 2) the motives, and 3) the intentions of the person. God is vitally concerned with these things.

Worldly Affections. If our affections are set on things on the earth rather than things in Heaven, this offends God (1 Jn 2:15). The Bible tells us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Matt 22:3 7).

Impure Motives. If our motives (or motivations) are impure like the prophet Balaam (Numbers 23) then God will severely judge us. Balaam bartered God given miraculous gifts for money, fame, and prestige.

Wrong Intentions. Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5) were pretending to give all their money to the work of the Lord but were really keeping back much of it for themselves, because their intent was wrong, God killed them. Oh! how we need to guard our affections, motives, and intentions to make sure they are pure. God knows our heart, doesn't He? "For man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart" (1 Sam 16:7). We can't hide these things from the Lord. And if we do not keep our hearts right in His sight, we will not hear God's voice.

Hardness of Heart "Today if you want to hear his voice, do not harden your hearts ' ' (Heb 4:7).

Unforgiveness Stops God's Voice.

Forgiveness Brings A Return of God's Voice.

An Unregenerate Condition

Pray this simple prayer: 
Lord Jesus! I confess You are my Lord. I believe You bore my sins to Calvary's cross to save me from sin. I believe You rose from the dead and are enthroned at the Father's right hand in Heaven. I trust You and Your blood alone to be the full payment for my sins. I renounce and turn from my sins. [receive Your Holy Spirit to bear witness with my spirit that I am a child of God. All this I ask in the Name of my Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN!

When Jesus comes into your heart, He cleanses it and sweeps it free from sin and darkness and takes away the hard heart and gives you a soft and tender heart of flesh so you can hear His voice. ' 'Your filthiness will be washed away.... And I will give you a new heart — I will give you new and right desires — and put a new spirit within you. I will take out your stony hearts of sin and give you new hearts of love. And I will put my Spirit within you so that you obey my laws and do whatever I command" (Eze 36:25-27 tib).

Disobedience Stops God's Voice

 "So then faith comes by hearing the word of God" (Rom 10:17). Faith can be defined as "Obedient action to what God says." To hear God's voice doesn't mean just to hear with your ears. It means to respond obediently to what He said.

Pride Prevents Obedience. A great hindrance to our obedient response is PRIDE.

Many of us have been held back from doing what God is saying to us because we fear what others will think of us if we obey the Lord. "The fear of man bringeth a snare "(Prov 29:25). The "fear of man" is just another expression of pride. Basically, we don't do what we know God wants us to do because of PRIDE. Our carnal mind thinks, "If we try what God is saying and fail, what will the people

 "The Bible says prove all things' (1 The 5:21). The only way you can prove something is to try it. You have to take the risk of becoming a fool for Christ's sake." Don't let pride paralyze you. Try to do what you feel God wants you to do. Though you may have some failures — there will be some successes too. Take the risk. Step out on faith and attempt great things for God.

Preconceptions Hinder Obedience. One of the most interesting stories in the Bible is in 2 Kings Chapter 5. It vividly illustrates how our preconceptions prevent us from hearing and obeying God's voice.

Do not let your traditions keep you from doing what God says. Hear and' obey the voice of God. Some will despise, oppose, and criticize you. Others will doubt and assail you. Your pride will suffer. But whatever! Do the will of God!